Mammoth Tusks
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Mammoth tusks for sale
Like modern elephants, the mammoth had large supporting tusks in their upper jaw. The length of these could be up to three meters long and weigh a maximum of 150kg, but most were quite a lot smaller and lighter. The male mammoths had larger and more curved supporting tusks than the female mammoth.
On this Mammoth Tusk category page, we offer a small selection of mammoth tusks, as well as a larger selection of their pieces. All fossils have the size and weight details in their description as well as information about their origin, i.e. where they were found and approximately how old they are. All of the fossils are also treated with a special conservation method so they will remain in excellent condition. The fossils have not been restored, therefore they remain authentic. For more information, make sure to check the fossil description.
Make sure to also have a look at our Mammoth Fossils, our newest arrivals, and our premium pristine quality fossils. Also, make sure to check out our FAQ about authenticity (yes they’re all authentic) and more!
All you need to know about Mammoth Tusks
The mammoths grew two sets of tusks during their lifetime. First, they got two rather small tusks called milk tusks. After 6 – 12 months they would start growing permanent tusks. It would then take several years for them to be fully grown. Therefore the size and shape of the tusks that are found can provide knowledge about the age and gender of the animal they belong to.
The unique story behind Mammoth Tusks
Scientists have learned that the mammoth tusk holds information about the mammoth’s life from the day it was born until the day it died. By splitting a mammoth tusk you can obtain a lot of information about the mammoth’s life. The insides of the mammoth tusk also show how far the mammoth has traveled in its life. The tusk is made up of several layers, like tree rings that hold this information.
In a recent study, researchers have managed to reconstruct a mammoth’s geographical movements based on what they call a “chemical signature” or “chemical GPS tags”. Various elements in bedrock and water create a “unique profile specific to that location”. This research was performed on a Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus Primigenius) tusk.
The Mammoth species to have existed
Several species of mammoths have coexisted. The most known mammoth is the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius). The largest tusk that has been found belonged to the Columbian Mammoth and was 16 feet long, approximately 5 meters long.
List of most commonly known mammoths to have lived:
- African Mammoth (Mammuthus Africanavus)
- Columbian Mammoth (Mammuthus Columbi)
- Cretan Dwarf Mammoth (Mammuthus Creticus)
- Pygmy Mammoth (Mammuthus Exilis)
- Dwarf Sardinian Mammoth (Mammuthus Lamarmorae)
- Southern Mammoth (Mammuthus Merdionalis)
- Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus Primigenius)
- Rumanus Mammoth (Mammuthus Rumanus)
- South African Mammoth (Mammuthus Subplanifrons)
- Steppe Mammoth (Mammuthus Trogontherii)
- Imperial Mammoth (Mammuthus Imperator)
- Jeffersonian Mammoth (Mammuthus Jeffersonii)
Did you know that female elephants in Africa are being born without tusks due to hunting and evolution?
How big are these Mammoth Tusks?
You will find the size and weight information for the specific fossil in the description when clicking on one of our products.
Frequently asked questions
Where do they find mammoth tusks nowadays? Mammoth tusks and fossils are most commonly found in the Arctic and Siberian regions today, examples of some common locations would be Europe, Russia and North America.
Do you also sell Mammoth Tusk Pieces? Yes, we have a wide selection of pieces from the Woolly Mammoth tusks. This selection includes actual pieces of a mammoth tusk, as well as whole parts of the tusks.
Is a mammoth tusk a fossil? Fossils are remnants, imprints, or traces of something that has lived before. Fossils can be parts of the organism itself, such as skeletons, teeth, pollen, or they can be imprints of it.